You got yourself in serious trouble when you got caught sniffing dirty panties worn by your girlfriend’s young daughter Dakota Charms. Dakota got you bound on a chair in her room as she tells you what a pathetic little bitch you are for smelling her panties. She is outraged and disgusted by the thought of mom’s boyfriend walking around her room to sniff her dirty pussy panties and she wants to make you suffer for it. Dakota brings out all of her duct tape and grabs the white undies she caught you sniffing. She smells the panties right in front of you and is so opposed to the reaking smell they have. Those panties even have pee stains on them! How could you even sniff those and like it?! Dakota is so mad at you that she decides to shut you up so she turns the panties into a huge ball and tells you to open up as she ruthlessly stuffs the filthy wad of panties in your mouth…